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Rom på én dag - 8 timer

4.4 (33)

Hvis du gerne vil lære Rom rigtigt at kende, så tag på en heldagstur og lad din stedkendte guide vise dig rundt i byen. I løbet af denne tur, vil du ikke bare se alle byens mest berømte seværdigheder, du vil også få lov til at springe de timelange køer over til både Colosseum, Vatikanet og Peterskirken


- Nyd en 8 timers guidet tur rundt i Rom
- Spring køen over til de 4 seværdigheder
- Få en rundvisning i Colosseum og Forum Romanum
- Smid en mønt, eller 3,i Trevi Fontænen
- Oplev Pantheon, Piazza Navona og meget mere
- Besøg Vatikanet og Det Sixtinske Kapel
- Spring køen over adgang til Peterskirken efter turen

Hvad kan jeg forvente?

Only one day to check off all the must-sees in Rome?
Andiamo! In one action-packed day you’ll tour the Colosseum and Roman Forum in the footsteps of Gladiators and Caesars who inhabited Roma Caput Mundi, stroll through the iconic piazzas and fountains of historic Rome, and take in all of the highlights of Vatican City.

Meet your guide just steps from the Colosseum and enjoy fast track entry to the vast arena, the Icon of Rome built in 72AD to seat up to 50,000 spectators. Once inside, your guide will paint an accurate picture of the Gladiator games that took place in the Roman Empire’s most impressive arena, helping you to decipher between fact, fiction, and the images portrayed by big-screen Hollywood blockbusters.

After walking around the perimeter of the Colosseum, gaze down onto the arena floor and beneath to the maze-like underground level where man and beast awaited their moment of glory or met their fateful death.

With the Colosseum behind you, travel even further back in time as you enter the Roman Forum: the true heart of Ancient Rome with monuments dating as far back as the 7th century BC. Learn of the legendary founding of Rome on the Palatine hill and how a she-wolf rescued and nursed the young twins Romulus (the first King of Rome) and Remus after they washed up on the banks of the Tiber River, and how these famous twins would pave the way for future tyrants, Emperors, and even Caesars who declared themselves Gods throughout the rise and fall of the Roman Empire.

As we change gears and fast-forward many a century, no visit to Rome is complete without a trip to the Trevi Fountain. This renaissance jewel was immortalized in Fellini’s film “La Dolce Vita” by none other than Anita Ekberg, who dared to take an impromptu dip. Be sure to toss three coins into the blue water before moving on to our next port of call: the Pantheon. Tour this astonishing architectural marvel built nearly 2,000 years ago as a Pagan temple to honor the Gods, and learn why it is the best preserved of all the Roman ruins in the city.  

The morning segment of this tour concludes at Piazza Navona, the most beautiful of Rome’s renaissance squares. As you stroll across this picturesque promenade that lies above what was once emperor Domitian’s stadium, you’ll enjoy the scene of buskers and street artists while Bernini’s remarkable Baroque fountains take center stage.

Enjoy a quick bite and a rest and rest before continuing on to the Vatican. Your guide will be sure to make some great recommendations for authentic local fare. Enjoy a shuttle transfer across the scenic Tiber River for the pièce de resistance: the Vatican.

Enjoy priority entrance as we head past the queues and straight into the Vatican Museums! See the major works of art ranging from Greek and Roman sculpture to Renaissance masterpieces, though much of this tour will be dedicated to the Sistine Chapel itself. From the commissioning of this colossal masterpiece to the finishing touches applied by Michaelangelo Buonarroti, your guide will help you to discern between myth, fact, and popular Hollywood fiction regarding this majestic work of art.

After spending some time gazing at the world’s most famous frescoed ceiling, enjoy privileged access to St. Peter’s Basilica directly from the Sistine Chapel, a perk offered to authorized tour operators only. Learn about the major works of importance by Michelangelo and Bernini inside St. Peter’s before your guide bids you farewell, and remain inside St. Peter’s as long as you wish as your Rome in Day tour comes to a conclusion.

Hvordan fungerer det?

Når du har gennemført din bestilling, vil din e-billet blive sendt til din e-mail. Denne e-billet skal du fremvise ved turens start, enten på din mobiltelefon eller som et print.

Hvor begynder turen?

Hvor ender turen? 

Vigtig information

- Af sikkerhedsmæssige årsager er rygsække, kufferter, store håndtasker m.v. ikke tilladt i Colosseum og Forum Romanum.
- Der er en dresscode i Vatikanet: Skuldre og knæ skal være dækket - og dette gælder både mænd og kvinder.
- På grund af ujævnt terræn er denne tur ikke egnet for gæster i kørestol og gæster med gangbesvær.


Voksen (18+)
Barn (6-17)
Spædbarn (0-5): Gratis

Hvad er ikke med i prisen?

-Hotel pickup and dropoff
-Personal extras

Fra 1.248 kr

søn, 19 maj 2024

Øjeblikkelig bekræftelse

Mobilbillet accepteres

Spar tid - Spring køen over

Live guide

Varighed: 8 timer

Hvad er med i prisen?

- Spring-køen-over billetter til Colosseum & Forum Romanum
- Spring-køen-over billetter til Vatikanet og det Sixtinske Kapel
- Prioritetsbillet til Peterskirken
- En fuld guidet heldagstur, delt op i to dele
- Transport mellem Roms historiske center og Vatikanet
- Gruppestørrelse på maks. 20 personer

Når du ankommer til mødestedet, er det vigtigt at alle over 12 år, skal fremvise en negativ COVID-19 test, for at gæster, ansatte og optrædende kan følge sig sikre. Dette skal fremvises på en af følgende måder:
Fremvisning af Corona pas, hvor det fremgår:
-At man er fuldt vaccineret (Begge doser), og den sidste indsprøjtning er mindst 14 dage gammel, eller
-En negativ test (PCR eller kvik test) der ikke er ældre end 48 timer, eller
-Man kan bevise man har haft COVID-19 indenfor de sidste 6 måneder.



Rom på én dag - 8 timer

Largo Gaetana Agnesi, 00184 Rom


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